Daya Tarik Gofood: Strategi Brand Positioning Yang Menumbuhkan Loyalitas Konsumen Di Jakarta

  • Siti Mawaddah Ngiu Universitas Bakrie
  • Ken Ayuthaya Purnama Universitas Bakrie
Keywords: GoFood, brand positioning, gofood customers, customer loyalty, online food delivery service, jakarta


GoFood, one of the most popular food delivery service platforms in Indonesia, is able to achieve 75% market share in Indonesia. This research aims to analyze the dimensions of GoFood's brand positioning on customer loyalty among its customers in Jakarta. Using qualitative methods, this research applies snowball sampling techniques. Data was obtained through interviews, observations and focus group discussions, as well as secondary data from theses, journals and reference books. Data were analyzed using the Miles and Huberman model, involving Social Marketing experts as triangulators. The research results show that GoFood has succeeded in building a strong positioning through five dimensions of brand positioning, namely favourability, uniqueness, dissimilarity, credibility and sustainability. Uniqueness and credibility are two dimensions that play a role in forming GoFood customer loyalty. The tagline "There's Always GoFood" supports these two dimensions by emphasizing the availability and reliability of the service. GoFood succeeded in creating a positive experience, building a strong brand positioning, and achieving optimal levels of loyalty from Gofood customers.


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How to Cite
Ngiu, S. M., & Purnama, K. A. (2024). Daya Tarik Gofood: Strategi Brand Positioning Yang Menumbuhkan Loyalitas Konsumen Di Jakarta. COMMTEMPORER: Jurnal Komunikasi Kontemporer, 1(01), 1-13.