COMMTEMPORER: Jurnal Komunikasi Kontemporer // <p><span style="font-weight: 400;">COMMTEMPORER: Jurnal Komunikasi Kontemporer merupakan jurnal yang diterbitkan oleh Program Studi Ilmu Komunikasi, Fakultas Ekonomi dan Ilmu Sosial, Universitas Bakrie, s</span><span style="font-weight: 400;">ebagai upaya untuk meningkatkan kualitas dan kuantitas riset orisinal dari mahasiswa, peneliti, dan praktisi akademis terhadap berbagai isu kontemporer di bidang Ilmu Komunikasi.</span></p> <p>COMMTEMPORER: Jurnal Komunikasi Kontemporer terbit dua kali dalam setahun yaitu pada Juni dan Desember. Jurnal ini menerima naskah dari studi tentang media baru dan teknologi komunikasi; media dan jurnalisme; komunikasi pemasaran; komunikasi korporat; komunikasi budaya; dan komunikasi antar pribadi.</p> en-US [email protected] (Annisa Fitriana Lestari) [email protected] (Ahmad YAni) Wed, 19 Jun 2024 00:00:00 +0000 OJS 60 Daya Tarik Gofood: Strategi Brand Positioning Yang Menumbuhkan Loyalitas Konsumen Di Jakarta // <p style="text-align: justify;">GoFood, one of the most popular food delivery service platforms in Indonesia, is able to achieve 75% market share in Indonesia. This research aims to analyze the dimensions of GoFood's brand positioning on customer loyalty among its customers in Jakarta. Using qualitative methods, this research applies snowball sampling techniques. Data was obtained through interviews, observations and focus group discussions, as well as secondary data from theses, journals and reference books. Data were analyzed using the Miles and Huberman model, involving Social Marketing experts as triangulators. The research results show that GoFood has succeeded in building a strong positioning through five dimensions of brand positioning, namely favourability, uniqueness, dissimilarity, credibility and sustainability. Uniqueness and credibility are two dimensions that play a role in forming GoFood customer loyalty. The tagline "There's Always GoFood" supports these two dimensions by emphasizing the availability and reliability of the service. GoFood succeeded in creating a positive experience, building a strong brand positioning, and achieving optimal levels of loyalty from Gofood customers.</p> Siti Mawaddah Ngiu, Ken Ayuthaya Purnama Copyright (c) 2024 Siti Mawaddah Ngiu, Ken Ayuthaya Purnama // Wed, 19 Jun 2024 00:00:00 +0000 Peran Cyber PR Memberantas Kekerasan Berbasis Gender Siber: Transformasi Sikap Generasi Z // <p style="text-align: justify;">The work from home policy that commanded by government’s policy during Covid-19 pandemic requires people to look for new entertainment, especially from social media. The soaring use of social media has resulted in an increase in the number of cyber gender-based violence (KBGS). Catatan Tahunan Komnas Perempuan of 2021 (CATAHU 2021) declared that KBGS victims can be classified as Generation Z mostly. Komnas Perempuan carried out Cyber Public Relations (Cyber PR) activities to foster Generation Z understanding about KBGS phenomenon through their Instagram account, @komnasperempuan. The purpose of this study was to find out how Generation Z’s understanding about KBGS that observed by three behavior factors, there are affective, cognitive, and conative through @komnasperempuan Cyber PR activities during Covid-19 pandemic. This research used the behavior theory by Fishbein with case study research method. The results showed that @komnasperempuan Cyber PR activities related to the KBGS phenomenon during the Covid-19 pandemic was not good enough to foster Generation Z’s understanding of the case. @komnasperempuan's Instagram content related to KBGS has not been able to build cognitive, affective, and conative effects for Generation Z.</p> Nadhifa Salsabila, Mirana Hanathasia Copyright (c) 2024 Nadhifa Salsabila, Mirana Hanathasia // Wed, 19 Jun 2024 08:59:21 +0000 Mengungkap Pengaruh Nct 127 Sebagai Brand Ambassador Terhadap Minat Beli Di Blibli // <p>This research aims to determine the influence of K-Pop Idol brand ambassador, NCT 127, on K-Pop fans' purchase interest in Blibli. This research uses a quantitative method by distributing questionnaires to K-Pop fans on Twitter. The sampling technique used in this research used a non-probability sampling technique with predetermined criteria. The number of samples that will be used according to the criteria is 400 respondents. Data analysis in this research uses simple linear regression and uses the SPSS application to see the influence of the brand ambassador variable which influences K-Pop fans' purchase interest in Blibli. The result shows that brand ambassador has a significant influence on K-Pop fans' purchase interest with a significance value of 0.000. It can be concluded that brand ambassador as X variable has significant effect on the purchase interest as Y variable.</p> Yuka Maya Andara, Ajenk Ningga Citra Copyright (c) 2024 Yuka Maya Andara, Ajenk Ningga Citra // Fri, 21 Jun 2024 03:07:26 +0000 Propaganda Politik Dalam Media Melalui Artikel Berita pada Kanal Sorot Politik Di // <p style="text-align: justify;">Pemberitaan di media online, isu politik menjadi bingkai berita dalam partisipasi politik seseorang. Media massa dinilai&nbsp; mampu&nbsp; membentuk&nbsp; persepsi,&nbsp; sikap&nbsp; dan&nbsp; prilaku masyarakat atas suatu kondisi yang sedang terjadi atau dari informasi yang menyebar (Triyaningsih, 2020). &nbsp;Pada masa Pemilu, media online menayangkan beragam isu, seperti persiapan pemilu, isu dinasti politik, hasil survei, serta manuver politik mulai dari pencalonan Capres-Cawapres dan wacana koalisi partai politik. Penelitian ini ingin melihat bagaimana melakukan propaganda politik melalui artikel-artikel tiap Pasangan Calon atau Paslon. Penelitian ini menggunakan metode Studi Kasus melalui artikel-artikel yang telah tayang di dengan menggunakan pendekatan kualitatif deskriptif, yang betujuan hanya mendeskripsikan hasil temuan dalam masing-masing artikel bisnis. Informan dalam penelitian ini adalah Managing Editor dan Asisten Manajer sebagai pihak yang bertanggung jawab dalam penayangan artikel berita jurnalistik dan artikel bisnis di Dari hasil pembahasan dengan menggunakan teori Propaganda Politik, Komunikasi Politik dan Iklan Politik, dan hasil wawancara dengan pihak sebagai konfirmasi dari hasil obervasi menyatakan bahwa Kanal Sorot Politik di adalah bagian dari bisnis, namun pihaknya tetap mematuhi aturan KPU RI untuk tidak menayangkan berbagai kampanye dan iklan politik dalam masa tenang politik, satu minggu sebelum masa pemilihan Pemilu 2024.&nbsp; Artinya, propaganda politik dalam media mengikuti prosedur hukum dari KPU RI dan BAWASLU.</p> Ari Kurnia, Rangga Fadhil, Idlan Dziqri Copyright (c) 2024 Rangga Fadhil, Idlan Dziqri // Sun, 23 Jun 2024 12:41:40 +0000 Tantangan Komunikasi Lintas Budaya: Analisis Face Negotiation Theory Pada PT. X // <p>Cross-cultural communication is very important, especially in jobs that have employees from different countries. The different "faces" shown by people from different cultures can cause obstacles in communication. PT.X is an international company dominated by Indian and Indonesian Coding Educators. Thus, this research aims to determine the face negotiation theory that occurs in the Coding Educator division and to determine the barriers to cross-cultural communication in the Coding Educator division. The research method used is a qualitative method using a case study approach. Data collection was carried out through in-depth interviews and literature study. The research results show that the Indian and Indonesian Coding Educators at PT. Barriers were also found in communicating between Indian and Indonesian Coding Educators at PT.X, namely differences in communication styles, accents and perceptions.</p> Jesifa Nandadhira Melati Warsa P, Dianingtyas Murtanti Putri Copyright (c) 2024 Jesifa Nandadhira Melati Warsa P, Dianingtyas Murtanti Putri // Sun, 23 Jun 2024 12:47:41 +0000 Peran Mediasi Online Disinhibition Effect Dalam Pengaruh Fanatisme Terhadap Agresif Verbal (Studi Pada Komunitas ARMY Bogor Project) // <p><em>The internet's nearness contains a noteworthy affect on social alter in society.&nbsp; The size of the affect of Korean wave culture attracts the consideration of Indonesian individuals, extraordinarily within the field of music known as K-pop. Fan excitement that surpasses sensible limits gets to be a inclination for over the top devotion. People are more likely to lock in in behaviors that they would not ordinarily do when they encounter sentiments of disinhibition. These special characteristics of online communication misshape recognitions of nearness and restrain people capacity to develop and communicate their significant personalities. By using path analysis, this research wants to look at the direct and indirect effects mediated by online disinhibition effects of fanaticism on verbal aggression. The results show that the nearness of the online disinhibition impact encourage increments the contribution of impact within the devotion of K-pop icon fans to verbal animosity. This appears that there's&nbsp; an impact of devotion on verbal hostility interceded by the online disinhibition impact</em>.</p> Andia Marsya Shabira, Annisa Fitriana Lestari Copyright (c) // Thu, 04 Jul 2024 00:00:00 +0000