Peran Mediasi Online Disinhibition Effect Dalam Pengaruh Fanatisme Terhadap Agresif Verbal (Studi Pada Komunitas ARMY Bogor Project)

  • Andia Marsya Shabira Universitas Bakrie
  • Annisa Fitriana Lestari Universitas Bakrie
Keywords: Fanaticism, verbal aggression, oonline disinhibition effect.


The internet's nearness contains a noteworthy affect on social alter in society.  The size of the affect of Korean wave culture attracts the consideration of Indonesian individuals, extraordinarily within the field of music known as K-pop. Fan excitement that surpasses sensible limits gets to be a inclination for over the top devotion. People are more likely to lock in in behaviors that they would not ordinarily do when they encounter sentiments of disinhibition. These special characteristics of online communication misshape recognitions of nearness and restrain people capacity to develop and communicate their significant personalities. By using path analysis, this research wants to look at the direct and indirect effects mediated by online disinhibition effects of fanaticism on verbal aggression. The results show that the nearness of the online disinhibition impact encourage increments the contribution of impact within the devotion of K-pop icon fans to verbal animosity. This appears that there's  an impact of devotion on verbal hostility interceded by the online disinhibition impact.


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Author Biographies

Andia Marsya Shabira, Universitas Bakrie

Program Studi (S1) Ilmu Komunikasi
Fakultas Ekonomi dan Ilmu Sosial
Universitas Bakrie

Annisa Fitriana Lestari, Universitas Bakrie

Program Studi (S1) Ilmu Komunikasi
Fakultas Ekonomi dan Ilmu Sosial
Universitas Bakrie


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How to Cite
Shabira, A. M., & Lestari, A. F. (2024). Peran Mediasi Online Disinhibition Effect Dalam Pengaruh Fanatisme Terhadap Agresif Verbal (Studi Pada Komunitas ARMY Bogor Project). COMMTEMPORER: Jurnal Komunikasi Kontemporer, 1(01), 66 - 81.

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