Peer Review Process

All papers in I-Pop: International Journal of Indonesian Popular Culture and Communication have undergone rigorous peer review, based on initial editor screening, and double-blind review by two anonymous reviewers.

In the review process, reviewers consider the correspondence of title, abstract, findings, discussion, and conclusions. In addition, reviewers also consider the novelty, scientific impact, and references used in the paper.

All manuscripts sent to the I-Pop: International Journal of Indonesian Popular Culture and Communication will go through an initial review process by the Section Editor. The editor will check whether or not according to the scope of the journal, meet the author's guidelines and academic quality standards. If not, the editor will ask the authors to refine the manuscript and resubmit. If appropriate, the article will go through the Double-Blind Review process, either by the internal or external peer reviewer. As soon as two or more anonymous peer reviewers complete their review, the editor decides to accept without revision, reject, or invite the author to submit revisions (major or minor) based on reviewers' recommendations. After the revision, the manuscript review process entered the second round. Editorial team members, according to their expertise, will do a final review and decide whether to accept the manuscript or not to begin the editing process. After going through copy and layout editing, as soon as possible, the manuscript is published (at least if there is a delay, we will announce the table of contents and metadata with the status "in-press").

If a Section Editor or Editorial Board member is the author or co-author of the manuscript submitted, the manuscript will be handled by other Section Editor or Editorial Board members without the author or co-author of the manuscript knowing. This rule is vital to ensure the objectivity of the review process. If there is a problem regarding the review process, the chief editor will take over the editorial work and give the final decision.

Meanwhile, the time required for the review process varies depending on the time for reviewers to submit their review, the author's revisions, and the editor's decision. The editors can make decisions at any time and will tell the author(s) whether the manuscript is required to make some revisions, accepted, or rejected. But usually, if the manuscript needs revisions, the authors are asked to send the change within two weeks. We also ask our reviewers to complete their review no later than two weeks. However, we give the possibility of additional time for authors and reviewers. For information regarding article submission and requirements, please see the I-Pop Journal Author Guidelines.