Female Masculinity Representation in Still Sick Yuri Manga

Indonesian Perspective

  • Rizki Maulana Anindita Departemen Ilmu Komunikasi, Fisipol Universitas Gadjah Mada
  • Ardian Indro Yuwono Dikom, Universitas Gadjah Mada
Keywords: Female masculinity, manga and anime, representation, semiology, yuri genre


Indonesia has an enormous manga audience and fans. One of the known genres is Yuri, a lesbian romance story. As a country with many Muslims who practice some Islamic customs, it is not surprising that this genre is often seen as controversial since it conflicts with moral teachings and is labeled as an LGBTQ+ normalization space. However, to not see the genre objectively is also a waste since it represents the actual life of women, especially lesbians, in a heteronormative society that glorifies androcentric capitalistic patriarchal ideology—something we also usually see in Indonesia. Therefore, the Yuri genre is a counter-narrative to Japanese and Indonesian society. Using Barthes’ semiology with Janet Chafetz’s seven traits of masculinity, we analyzed the representation of female masculinity and lesbian traits in the Still Sick manga to decode the representation of a lesbian’s female masculinity in Yuri manga. This article offers a new perspective on this discriminated genre. It shows that entertainment media bears criticism against its society while helping the public, especially domestic hobbyists, understand Yuri manga and its female masculinity more. Five points can be discussed in this article: 1) the shakaijin Yuri theme reconstructs the girls’ love genre and masculinity in manga and anime, 2) the negotiated power relation between lesbian households, 3) women’s hybrid ikigai acts as a critique against the masculine counterpart, and 4) critic against the heteronormative-homophobic society through the representation of lesbian life in Japan. The comparison between Japanese and Indonesian popular culture is also discussed to understand the context.

Author Biographies

Rizki Maulana Anindita, Departemen Ilmu Komunikasi, Fisipol Universitas Gadjah Mada

Researcher at the Department of Communication, Faculty of Social and Political Studies Universitas Gadjah Mada, Yogyakarta. As an avid yuri manga reader, he shows interest in manga or anime studies. The author published some articles on KAORI Nusantara such as Esu: Cikal Bakal Yuri yang Jarang Kita Ketahui (Esu: The Origin of Yuri Genre We Rarely Know), Ketika Laki-Laki Heteroseksual Lebih Menikmati Genre Yuri (When a Heterosexual Male Audience Prefers to Consume Yuri Genre), Memangnya Perlu Kita Melakukan Gatekeeping? (Do We Have to Gatekeep Anime Culture?), and Menemukan Diri Sendiri dalam Karakter Moe (Hachiman, Mikage Sakurai, and Self-Identification in Moe Character). E-mail address: [email protected]

Ardian Indro Yuwono, Dikom, Universitas Gadjah Mada

Lecturer and researcher at the Department of Communication Studies, Universitas Gadjah Mada, Yogyakarta.  His interest is mainly in video game studies, such as his article, Hiperealitas, Video Game, dan Pemain (Hyperreality, Video Game, and Players), published in 2017. E-mail address: [email protected]


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How to Cite
Anindita, R. M., & Yuwono, A. I. (2023). Female Masculinity Representation in Still Sick Yuri Manga : Indonesian Perspective. I-Pop: International Journal of Indonesian Popular Culture and Communication, 4(1), 1-21. https://doi.org/10.36782/i-pop.v4i1.130