Effect of substituting cashew nut paste (Anarcadium occidentale) with baking fat on the quality of acha (Digitaria exillis) -Orange Fleshed Sweet Potato (Ipomoea batatas) Based Biscuit

  • J. A. Ayo Federal University Wukari, Nigeria
  • Bem Gbuusu University of Mkar, Nigeria
  • Mary Omosebi Mountain University, Nigeria
  • D. N. Kundam University of Mkar, Nigeria
  • Levy Myange Federal University Wukari, Nigeria
Keywords: Substitution, Cashew nut paste, Protein, Baking fat, Carbonhydrate


The aim of this research was to determine the effect of substituting cashew nut paste into baking fat on the quality of acha-orange fleshed sweet potato base biscuits. Preliminary studies was carried out on acha-OFSP at ratio 100:% acha, 95:5% acha-OFSP; 90:10% acha-OFSP, 85:15% Acha-OFSP, 80:20%, 75:5% acha-OFSP and ratio 80:20 of acha-orange fleshed sweet potato flour blends was preferred by the panellist to be  used in the maim work. The experimental design were coded as follows: A-100:30:0,  B-100:25:5, C-100:20:10, D-100:15:15, E-100:10:20, F-5:25, G-100:0:30 of  acha-orange fleshed sweet potato: baking fat: cashew nut paste blends. The biscuits produced were analysed for proximate, minerals, vitamins, phytochemical, physical and sensory of blends biscuits. The proximate composition of the biscuit; moisture, fat, fibre, ash, protein, carbohydrate ranged from 5.96-13.36, 15.26-24.41, 1.43-2.31, 0.94-1.44  12.47-22.60, 47.20-59.99. Minerals composition of the biscuit; Ca, K, Mg and P, ranged from 35.54-49.46, 44.64-63.50, 23.13-40.73, 11.43-21.50. Vitamins composition of the biscuit; E, B2, B12 ranged from 0.32-0.48, 0.20-0.56, 0.09-0.36. Phytochemicals composition of the biscuit; flavonoids, carotenoids and phenolic ranged from 1.09-1.66, 2.08-2.57, 10.46-17.91. Physical properties; break strength, diameter, thickness, volume, weight and density ranged from 927.50-3442.50(g), 3.70-3.78(cm), 0.26-0.28(mm), 10 (cm), 5.38-6.72(g), 0.53-0.70. The average means of the aroma, texture, colour, taste and overall acceptability range from 5.90-6.75, 4.60-6.85, 5.26-7.30, 5.30-7.05, 5.65-6.80.The substitution of cashew nut paste into baking fat improved the micro, macro nutrients content and the physical of acha- OFSP flour blends based biscuits.


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Author Biography

J. A. Ayo, Federal University Wukari, Nigeria

Food Science and Technology Professor



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How to Cite
Ayo, J., Gbuusu, B., Omosebi, M., Kundam, D., & Myange, L. (2024). Effect of substituting cashew nut paste (Anarcadium occidentale) with baking fat on the quality of acha (Digitaria exillis) -Orange Fleshed Sweet Potato (Ipomoea batatas) Based Biscuit. Asia Pacific Journal of Sustainable Agriculture, Food and Energy, 12(1), 28-41. https://doi.org/10.36782/apjsafe.v12i1.334
Food Science and Food Technology