Impression Laundering of Le Minerale

A Directional Branded Content Analysis

  • Deddy Setiawan VIVA Media Baru
  • Firdia Pradita Ramadhanti Saraswanti Indo Genetech
  • Irine Shafana Jasmine Indo Koala Remittance
  • Mala Ismawati Abhitech Matra Indah
  • Miftahul Ocha Awalia Bank Central Asia
  • Moehammad Hary Wibisono DPR RI
  • Marina Sinar Lestari PPAT M Taufiq
Keywords: Dramaturgic Communication, Angelic Communication, Brand Communication, Bottled Mineral Water, Single-Use Gallon


Competition in the bottled mineral water market has created a brand communication war between brands, including Le Minerale. Through various advertisements and digital communications on social media, Le Minerale tries to fend off various adverse claims made by competitors regarding single-use gallon packaging products. This article dissects the communication content of the Le Minerale brand from the perspective of Wijaya's Impression Laundering theory using the directional Branded Content Analysis (BCA) method. The findings show that Le Minerale uses various content strategies, both visual, verbal, and audiovisual, to launch dramaturgical and angelic communication strategies, as explained in the theory of impression laundering. This study is helpful as a critical reflection, both for brands and audiences, in understanding the modes of impression laundering in brand communication.


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How to Cite
Setiawan, D., Ramadhanti, F. P., Jasmine, I. S., Ismawati, M., Awalia, M. O., Wibisono, M. H., & Lestari , M. S. (2024). Impression Laundering of Le Minerale: A Directional Branded Content Analysis. Jobmark: Journal of Branding and Marketing Communication, 6(1), 52-63.