
Representation, Communication, and Simulation

  • Bambang Sukma Wijaya
Keywords: Brand, Sign, Message, Media, Hyperreality


Brands are signifiers that refer to objects, namely products, ingredients, companies, organizations, countries, places, communities, individuals, and others. As a signifier, a brand represents an object as well as a signified by a specific meaning or concept. On the other hand, brands are messages, media, and 'actors' that play an essential role in communication. However, with the flood of communication today, a brand has developed into a sign of hyperreality. The actual objects have been replaced by signifiers that manifest as fictitious objects. Thus, branding is an unended representation, communication, and simulation process.


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How to Cite
Wijaya, B. S. (2019). Branding: Representation, Communication, and Simulation. Jobmark: Journal of Branding and Marketing Communication, 1(1), 1-8.